Tamarack Hollow Farm is hiring! We produce seven acres of certified organic vegetables in Plainfield, Vermont for local and regional wholesale markets. We produce vegetables in a mix of row crop and market garden production, using a diverse range of tools, tractors, and equipment. We specialize in production of root crops and fall radicchios.
We strongly encourage queer, trans, female- identifying, and BIPOC folks to apply. Tamarack Hollow is a woman- run farm and does not tolerate misogyny, bigotry, or disrespect based on identity, body type, or abilities.
What THF Offers to Employees: We value a healthy work environment. The season starts with a paid all staff training day, so everyone enters the season understanding the full farm plan and operations. We offer paid time off and paid registration for educational workshops offered by NOFA-VT/ Rural Vermont/ etc. Our staff facilities include both indoor and outdoor eating areas, indoor bathroom with hot water hand washing sink, indoor shower, microwave, refrigerator, and staff lockers. Crew are provided work gloves, sunscreen, Bluetooth speaker for greenhouse seeding, and walkie-talkies (though most folks prefer to use their own cell phones for crew communications).
Each day starts with a crew meeting to discuss tasks and break into teams. We practice a worker- led management style, where after discussion of the weeks’ tasks, folks break into teams according to their interests and strengths. We respect our employees time and stop firmly at 4 pm. Crew are not asked to work more than 40 hours a week, but will be paid time and a half if they do. Agreed upon hours will not be cut against the will of an employee (barring a major market failure or weather disaster), but employees are sometimes offered the opportunity to go home early if tasks are finished. Field crew are encouraged to develop new skills, learn equipment maintenance, and experienced crew are encouraged to develop agricultural projects of their own.

Vegetable Production Crew: 3-5
days a week, May through October, opportunity for year-round employment.
We are seeking multiple people to join our vegetable production crew. Agricultural experience is great, but not necessary for applicants that can demonstrate a good work ethic, eagerness to learn, and a great attitude. Main position responsibilities include greenhouse seeding, transplanting, manual weeding, and lots of harvesting. Must be cooperative, respectful, hard-working, detail oriented, and able to respond positively to feedback while learning our systems. We work Monday through Friday from 8- 4, with a 40 minute paid lunch break. Harvest days may start earlier during the high heat.
Three day a week positions will be mostly harvesting. Four and five day a week positions will learn more of the overall farm operations.
Compensation: $15 hourly minimum starting wage for field positions- higher with experience and commitment.
SPECIALIZED POSITIONS!! Do you have a special interest or relevant experience in agriculture? The following specialized positions are available with higher starting wages (+$17 hour)
-Greenhouse manager
-Wash/ Pack manager
-Cultivation Tractor Operator
-Field Tractor Operator
Folks applying for these
positions must have at least one season agricultural experience. Additional
training will be provided. Specialized positions are available part or full
To Apply: Please email tamarackhollowfarm@gmail.com
with position title in the subject line. Please include a resume or detail your
relevant work experience and include at least two references. A strong
application would include an introductory letter detailing why agriculture in
general and this farm in particular appeals to you.