For 2022 we are making a few changes to the CSA structure. Members will sign up for 28 weeks- starting Friday, May 13 through Friday, November 18th. The share will be one size and cost $756 for the 28 week season. Pick up will be on farm on Friday afternoons and will have a more free choice structure; members will be able to make more decisions about what goes in their share– prefer kale to chard? Want more carrots? Hate eggplant but love fennel? You will be able to make those choices at pickup!
For 2022 we also request full and up front payment. If this presents a hardship we can break the amount into smaller payments with the full amount due by June 15.

To join, please send a check to the farm with your email address in the memo line.
Tamarack Hollow Farm
3280 Country Club Road
Barre, VT 05641
You can also send payment via venmo @TamarackHollowFarm
Ready to join? Do not hesitate as we are taking limited members this year.
Salad Mix -
Beets -
Golden Potatoes -
baby chard -
eggplants -
Sugar Snap Peas -
Bac choi -
Fresh carrots -
Colorful Cauliflower -
Rainbow chard and lacinato kale -
Radical radicchios -
Flavorful Cabbages -
Purple and Green Peppers
Here’s what our customers have to say….
“Let me say again how truly I LOVE this CSA. The food is fantastic, the variety impeccable and interesting. You may have made a customer for life. I have bragged up a storm to anyone”
“Tamarack Hollow is an amazing farm- your tunnels, your beds, the variety of fancy vegetables you grow, and the eggs. We’ll be ordering the winter share. I love the balance of roots, brassicas, and greens we’ve been getting.”
“Wow…your vegetables continue to blow me away every day. They’re not just colorful and beautiful, it’s super-fresh and unbelievably tasty. thank you thank you thank you”
Frequently Asked Questions

Sample Summer Share:
- 1/2 lb salad mix
- 1/2 pint raspberries
- 4 zucchini
- 2 cucumbers
- bunch chard
- bunch sweet onion
- bunch basil
- 2 mini eggplants
- 2 bell peppers
- 1 lb fingerling potatoes
When and where is the pick up? In 2022, pick up will be at the farm house (you will receive more details in your email). Pick up will be Friday afternoon from 3-7.
Can I pick out my own produce? For 2022 we will be offering more free- choice options. This means the share will be set up more like a farmers market that you can peruse. While the choices will not be unlimited, you will be able to make more choices about what is in your share each week. For example, you might be able to choose between potatoes, beets, OR carrots, chard OR kale, arugula OR salad mix, fennel, radicchio OR cabbage.
I want eggs! In another casualty of our post- pandemic business changes, we are no longer raising a large flock of laying hens. We do however still have a small flock which produce more than we can personally use. When we have surplus eggs, they will be available for purchase at pickup for $6 dozen, first come first serve.
What if I miss the pickup? If you know in advance that you are going to miss a pick up, just email the farm and we will pre-pack a share for you and leave it in the cooler for pick up at the farm house over the weekend. Please do not come to pick up earlier than 3 or later than 7 and please do not show up on the farm— we are a young family with a working farm and many daily responsibilities to keep the harvests coming! Shares that are not picked up (or have other arrangements made) by the end of the weekend are considered surrendered for the week and will not be refunded. Remember- you can always send a friend to the pick up!
How do I contact the farm? The best way to reach us is via email: Thanks!